Природные энергоносители и углеродные материалы & Natural energy sources and carbon materials
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Технические науки
An overview of the published principles of calculations used to develop the design of repair and insulation works
Khusnutdinova R.R. 1, Fattakhov I.G. 2, 3, Fattakhov I.G. 2, 3, Zhirkeev A.S. 3, Sakhapova A.K. 3

1. 1Ufa State Petroleum Technical University, branch in Oktyabrsky Department of Exploration and Development of Oil and Gas Fields
2. Ufa State Petroleum Technical University, branch in Oktyabrsky Department of Exploration and Development of Oil and Gas Fields
3. PJSC Tatneft named after V.D. Shashin


In recent years, the development of many oil fields requires the creation of measures aimed at limiting the flow of water into oil wells due to their high water cut. One of the main ways to shut off water-cut formation intervals and water-cut interlayers is repair and isolation work. This type of work is aimed at optimizing the working conditions of productive reservoirs with a high proportion of flooding and, as a result, the purpose of extracting the maximum possible oil reserves. To predict the effectiveness of the work carried out, a design of repair and insulation works is being developed, which is based on calculations of the main parameters of the used insulating material. To date, quite a lot of research has been conducted on the issues of repair and insulation work, in particular, RIW planning, RIW design development, technology of carrying out. This article is devoted to an overview of some of the principles of computations published by scientists, specialists, used to develop and build the design of RIW.

Keywords: well, reservoir, flooding, waterproofing works, waterproofing composition, design of RIW

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