Природные энергоносители и углеродные материалы & Natural energy sources and carbon materials
Электронный научный журнал

Технические науки
Influence of composition and properties of associated petroleum gas from the Urengoyskoye field on transport through the main gas pipeline
Gimaeva A.R. 1, Al-khamadani M.S. 1

1. Kazan Federal University, Department of high-viscosity oils and natural bitumen


The problem of flaring associated petroleum gas (APG) is an acute modern problem in the oil and gas sector due to economic, environmental and social losses and risks, especially in the context of global trends in the economy´s transition to a low-carbon and energy-efficient development path. The purpose of this study is to study the influence of the composition and properties of associated petroleum gas (APG) on its transport through the main gas pipeline. To solve the set tasks, an analysis of the scientific and technical literature on the operation of main gas pipelines in the oil and gas industry was carried out on the basis of printed and electronic sources. In the course of the research, the paper analyzes the effect of the composition and properties of the associated petroleum gas (APG) on methods of preparation and transportation. It was concluded that the impact of component composition of the associated petroleum gas and its properties on the methods of transportation.

Keywords: associated gas, the preparation of gas, methane, Urengoyskoye field, gas pipeline

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