Natural energy sources and carbon materials
Scientific Journal

Study guide. Series: Processes and devices of oil and gas chemical processing Theoretical foundations of optimization of the pyrolysis plant of ethane – propylene fraction
Kemalov Alim Feizrahmanovich 2, Kemalov Ruslan Alimovich 3, Valiev Dinar Zinnurovich 4, Tulibaev Azimjon Nematjonovich 1

1. Kazan Federal University, Department of oil & gas technology and carbon materials
2. Head of the Department of Oil, Gas and Carbon Materials Technology KFU
3. Kazan Federal University, Department of oil & gas technology and carbon materials
4. Kazan Federal University, Department of oil & gas technology and carbon materials


The purpose of this article is to study the pyrolysis process, optimize the pyrolysis plant. The study of replacing the SRT-I furnace item 07 with a new generation SRT-VI furnace on the example of «Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat» LLC. The purpose of the pyrolysis process — the most rigid form of thermal cracking — is to produce hydrocarbon gas with a high content of unsaturated, primarily ethylene, therefore pyrolysis plants are often called ethylene plants. The process can also be aimed at the maximum yield of propylene or butylenes and butadiene.

Keywords: pyrolysis, source of unsaturated hydrocarbons, pyrogas, ethane-propylene fraction, pyrolysis tar, coke, soot


Kemalov Alim Feizrahmanovich 2, Kemalov Ruslan Alimovich 3, Valiev Dinar Zinnurovich 4, Tulibaev Azimjon Nematjonovich 1 Study guide. Series: Processes and devices of oil and gas chemical processing Theoretical foundations of optimization of the pyrolysis plant of ethane – propylene fraction // Природные энергоносители и углеродные материалы & Natural energy sources and carbon materials. – 2024. – № 04;
URL: (Date Access: 18.10.2024).

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