Natural energy sources and carbon materials
Scientific Journal

Development of a mobile system for the utilization of associated petroleum gas at a well cluster
Kemalov R.A. 1, Sanchez A.A. 2

1. Kazan Federal University, Department of oil & gas technology and carbon materials. Russian Gas Society
2. Kazan Federal University, Department of oil & gas technology and carbon materials. Master PhD


Ensuring the most complete and rational use of APG resources is important for improving the efficiency of the oil industry and the national economy as a whole. Associated gas from oil fields remains the least demanded hydrocarbon raw material produced in the Tomsk region. This is largely due to the remoteness of oil fields from main gas pipelines and the practice of field development that has developed in the recent past. In connection with the deterioration of the mineral resource base for oil and gas and the rise in prices for heat and electricity, many enterprises have a tendency to treat this type of resources more carefully. Currently, about 3-109 m3 of APG is extracted per year during hydrocarbon production, while about 1-109 m3 is burned in field flares due to the lack of other options for its use. Such a situation forces us to consider additional ways of efficient gas utilization directly at the place of its production.

Keywords: associated petroleum gas, utilization, wells


Kemalov R.A. 1, Sanchez A.A. 2 Development of a mobile system for the utilization of associated petroleum gas at a well cluster // Природные энергоносители и углеродные материалы & Natural energy sources and carbon materials. – 2022. – № 2(02);
URL: (Date Access: 10.03.2025).

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