Natural energy sources and carbon materials
Scientific Journal

Stimulation of the inflow due to the steam-thermal effect on the bottomhole formation zone on the example of the Katangli field. Part 1
Kemalov R.A. 1, Alzamili Kh.K. 1

1. Kazan Federal University. Department of oil & gas technology and carbon materials


: Ensuring high oil recovery factors and maintaining high rates of oil production is impossible without the development of new, more modern methods of influencing the oil reservoir and the bottomhole zone of wells. The paper contains an analysis of the effectiveness of the development of steam-thermal impact on the II reservoir of the II block at the Katangli field: the choice of the optimal size of steam injection by wells, analysis and monitoring of the degree of oil displacement from the reservoir. It is also proposed to apply a new method on the object under study - the injection of urea into steam injection wells, in order to increase the oil recovery of the reservoir.

Keywords: stimulation, oil, inflow, formation


Kemalov R.A. 1, Alzamili Kh.K. 1 Stimulation of the inflow due to the steam-thermal effect on the bottomhole formation zone on the example of the Katangli field. Part 1 // Природные энергоносители и углеродные материалы & Natural energy sources and carbon materials. – 2022. – № 3(03);
URL: (Date Access: 10.03.2025).

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