The Bystrinskoye field was discovered in 1964 by well No. 170 of Glavtyumengeologiya. Confined to the Bystrinsky, Vynginsky and Minchimkinsky local uplifts of the West Siberian oil and gas province. All 3 uplifts along the reflecting horizon “B” are outlined by an isohypsum - 2625 m with an amplitude of 125 m. Up the section, the amplitude decreases and in the Paleocene is 10 m. The foundation was opened at a depth of 3003 m and is represented by porphyrites and tuff lava rocks. The basement rocks are overlain by Jurassic, Cretaceous and Paleogene deposits. Neogene is absent, and Quaternary formations are up to 70 m thick. The total thickness of the sedimentary cover is 3000 - 3200 m. Oil deposits have been identified within the Bystrinskoye field. Oil shows of the Achimov strata have been recorded. The reservoirs are represented by sandstones. The Bystrinskoye field is located in the distributed subsoil fund and belongs to the class of large ones, and in terms of the degree of industrial development, to the developed one.
Keywords: Bystrinskoye gas and oil field, geological prospecting, deep exploration drilling, exploration, commercial oil content of formations, geological and physical characteristics of productive formations.
Kemalov R.A. 1 ANALYSIS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE BYSTRINSKOYE FIELD // Природные энергоносители и углеродные материалы & Natural energy sources and carbon materials. – 2023. – № 01;
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