In this paper, an analysis of the economic efficiency of the study of heavy oils by the pulsed method of nuclear magnetic resonance is carried out. There are many methods for studying the physico-chemical properties of oils and petroleum products, which are divided into chemical, physical, physico-chemical. Physico-chemical methods are becoming increasingly important for the purposes of objective identification of oils. Mainly, NMR spectroscopy has a number of advantages over classical chemical methods. Spectral research methods are based on the use of both physical and chemical properties of substances and are particularly distinguished by expressiveness, selectivity, high sensitivity, the possibility of unification and automation. The economic efficiency of using the nuclear magnetic relaxation method for the study of heavy oils in comparison with gas-liquid chromatography is substantiated. It turned out that among the existing diverse physico-chemical methods of identification and quality assessment, the most effective and fastest is the method of research based on nuclear magnetic resonance, which ensures objectivity and independence from the subjective data of the researcher.
Keywords: oil, nuclear magnetic resonance, gas-liquid chromatography.
Valiev D.Z. 1, Fazlyeva E.M. 1, Kemalov A.F. 1 EVALUATION OF THE ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY OF HEAVY OIL RESEARCH BY PULSED NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE SPECTROSCOPY // Природные энергоносители и углеродные материалы & Natural energy sources and carbon materials. – 2023. – № 02;
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