Density of a mixture of gases, Molecular mass of a mixture, Viscosity, Humidity of gases, Ignition limits, Calorific value of gases, Flame propagation speed, Burning temperature, Theoretical viscosity versus temperature, Heat capacity, Joule-Thomson coefficient, Density of a liquid product, Equation coefficients, Surface tension of a liquid , Pour point Abstract:The purpose of this work:calculate the physical and chemical properties of gas condensate systems according to the textbook: Tutorial Fundamentals of Calculations and Design “Pre-project studies of gas condensate systems. Objectives of this paper: Characteristic boiling points of petroleum fractions, Characteristic factor, Density, Molecular weight, Saturated vaporpressure, Critical parameters and reduced constants, Compressibility factor, Fugacity, Viscosity, Thermal properties, Mass, volume and molar composition.
Keywords: Density, molecular weight, viscosity, humidity of gases, heat, pour point
Kemalov R.A. 2, Rakhmatov S.Sh. 1 CALCULATION METHODS FOR DETERMINING THE PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND COMPOSITION OF GAS AND GAS CONDENSATE // Природные энергоносители и углеродные материалы & Natural energy sources and carbon materials. – 2023. – № 05;
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