In this article, it is necessary to consider the topic ˝ Chemical processing of hydrocarbon raw materials in as much detail as possible. The relevance of the topic is resolved in the fact that the chemical processing of hydrocarbon raw materials at the enterprise of the petrochemical and gas chemical complexes, which are the basis of a particular Russian industry. The purpose of this article, based on the subject and object, is to analyze chemical processes, technologies, the structure of the chemical processing of hydrocarbon raw materials, and the state of the industry.
The following tasks were set during the study:
1. To study the chemistry of the transformation of oil and natural gas hydrocarbons into useful products and raw materials.
2. Describe the main technological processes used in industries, a common feature of which is the deep chemical processing of hydrocarbon raw materials (fractions of oil, natural and associated gas).Consider the examples of the main products manufactured by this industry, their use in everyday life and the public economy.
3. Assess the current state of the industry, highlight its main problems.
4. Indicate possible ways out of the current situation.
Keywords: chemistry of transformations of hydrocarbons of oil and natural gas, the current state of the industry, basic products, chemical processing of hydrocarbon raw materials
Kemalov R.A. 2, Abbas Khalil Bilal 1 Chemical processing of hydrocarbon raw materials // Природные энергоносители и углеродные материалы & Natural energy sources and carbon materials. – 2023. – № 06;
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