Natural energy sources and carbon materials
Scientific Journal

Расчет осушки газа и электродегидратора Calculation of gas drying and electric dehydrator
Kemalov Alim Feizrahmanovich 3, Kemalov Ruslan Alimovich 2, Nureev Marat Ilgamovich 1, Valiev Dinar Zinnurovich 4

1. Department of Technology of Oil, Gas and Carbon Materials KFU
2. Department of Technology of Oil, Gas and Carbon Materials KFU
3. Head of the Department of Technology of Oil, Gas and Carbon Materials, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
4. Department of Technology of Oil, Gas and Carbon Materials KFU


This paper discusses the process of calculating natural gas drying using absorption technologies. The input data for the calculation including temperature, pressure, flow rate and other parameters are given. The amount of moisture extracted from the gas and the amount of regenerated absorbent required for the drying process are calculated

Keywords: dehydration, absorbent, dew point


Kemalov Alim Feizrahmanovich 3, Kemalov Ruslan Alimovich 2, Nureev Marat Ilgamovich 1, Valiev Dinar Zinnurovich 4 Расчет осушки газа и электродегидратора Calculation of gas drying and electric dehydrator // Природные энергоносители и углеродные материалы & Natural energy sources and carbon materials. – 2024. – № 01;
URL: (Date Access: 02.02.2025).

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