Natural energy sources and carbon materials
Scientific Journal

Studying the processes of obtaining liquefied natural gas
Kemalov Alim Feizrahmanovich 2, Kemalov Ruslan Alimovich 1, Abbas Khalil Bilal 3

1. Department of Technology of Oil, Gas and Carbon Materials KFU
2. Head of the Department of Technology of Oil, Gas and Carbon Materials, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
3. Department of Technology of Oil, Gas and Carbon Materials KFU


The article examines the main modern technological and technical solutions for LNG production, considers ideal gas liquefaction processes, real refrigeration cycles, processes of inlet separation, removal of acid gases, deep drying of gas, and studies the dynamics of cooling mixtures of natural gas components

Keywords: liquefaction and gas processes, use of LNG, adsorption, natural gas


Kemalov Alim Feizrahmanovich 2, Kemalov Ruslan Alimovich 1, Abbas Khalil Bilal 3 Studying the processes of obtaining liquefied natural gas // Природные энергоносители и углеродные материалы & Natural energy sources and carbon materials. – 2024. – № 01;
URL: (Date Access: 02.02.2025).

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