Natural energy sources and carbon materials
Scientific Journal

Analysis of the natural potential of atmospheric pollution, ecological justification of the location of industrial facilities on the example of the north of the European part of Russia
Kemalov Alim Feizrahmanovich 3, Kemalov Ruslan Alimovich 2, Valiev Dinar Zinnurovich 1, Alabbas Ihab suad saleh 4

1. Kazan Federal University, Department of oil & gas technology and carbon materials
2. Kazan Federal University, Department of oil & gas technology and carbon materials
3. Head of the Department of Oil, Gas and Carbon Materials Technology KFU
4. Kazan Federal University, Department of oil & gas technology and carbon materials


The natural potential of atmospheric pollution (PPA) is a set of meteorological and climatic factors that determine the conditions for the dispersion of emissions in the atmosphere and its self—purification. When zoning the territory according to the PPA, the following are taken into account: • Characteristics of air transport (direction, absolute values, intensity). • Factors contributing to atmospheric pollution (calm, fog, isothermal inversions, dangerous wind speeds). • Factors contributing to the self-purification of the atmosphere (precipitation, hail, total radiation, dose of ultraviolet radiation, frost-free period, etc.). • The method of statistics of the trajectories of the transfer of air masses and atmospheric impurities was used to assess the concentrations in the air of two heavy metals - lead and cadmium - in several regions of the north of European Russia. The use of EMEP data on the emissions of these metals into the atmosphere from the territory of all of Europe made it possible to most fully take into account the sources of pollution and separate the contributions of the European territory of Russia (1) and the rest of Europe (2) in environmental pollution in the north of European Russia in 2010–2014. In some years and seasons, the contribution of foreign Europe can be significant (up to 50% and higher), but in general the north of European Russia is polluted from anthropogenic sources of these metals located in Russia.

Keywords: pollution, objects, industrial, environmental, atmosphere, natural, analysis


Kemalov Alim Feizrahmanovich 3, Kemalov Ruslan Alimovich 2, Valiev Dinar Zinnurovich 1, Alabbas Ihab suad saleh 4 Analysis of the natural potential of atmospheric pollution, ecological justification of the location of industrial facilities on the example of the north of the European part of Russia // Природные энергоносители и углеродные материалы & Natural energy sources and carbon materials. – 2024. – № 02;
URL: (Date Access: 02.02.2025).

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