The object of the study is the Priobskoye deposit. The purpose of the work is to consolidate the knowledge gained during the educational process, to get acquainted with the specifics of the activity, to study the structure and production facilities of the LLC RN-YUGANSKNEFTEGAZ enterprise. The paper presents the history; general characteristics of the enterprise, such as reserves, main types of production activities, main competitors, market share assessment; general information about the field, such as geographical location, climate, geological characteristics, characteristics of productive formations, composition and properties of waters, lithological and stratigraphic characteristics, oil and gas potential of formations; analysis of development Priobskoye field, this section presents the dynamics of development indicators; analysis of the well stock, this part presents the proportion of ESP installations, the flow rate interval, the range of dynamic levels, water availability, depth range.
Keywords: enterprise overview, vertically integrated oil and gas companies, field development, Priobskoye field, well fund.
Russu D.V. 1, Borisov S.V. 1 REPORT ON PRE-GRADUATE PRACTICE AT LLC RN-YUGANSKNEFTEGAZ // Природные энергоносители и углеродные материалы & Natural energy sources and carbon materials. – 2024. – № 03;
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