Природные энергоносители и углеродные материалы & Natural energy sources and carbon materials
Электронный научный журнал

Технические науки
Modern scientific and practical aspects of the creation of ultrathin dispersions of modified petroleum fuels
Kemalov A.F. 1, Kemalov R.A. 2, Valiev D.Z. 1

1. Kazan Federal University, Department of high-viscosity oils and natural bitumen
2. Kazan Federal University, Department of high-viscosity oils and natural bitumen, Russian Gas Society


The most effective and economically feasible way to improve the low-temperature properties of oils, fuels and oils is the use of depressor additives. The preparation of depressor additives and the technology of their compounding with fuels should completely exclude the fractionation of fuel and the destruction of additives. When using a static emitter, it is possible to obtain ultrathin emulsions (but with low productivity) with a particle diameter of less than 0.1 microns. After the treatment of modified diesel fuels (DT), the coarse-dispersed structure with the size of the dispersed phase up to 15 microns passes into a fine-dispersed structure with the size of the dispersed phase from 2.5 to 4 microns. Among the most promising for fuel modification, it is necessary to include high-molecular compounds synthesized using nanophase catalysis technology of the linear type of the LSO brand based on synthesized olefin-type hydrocarbons, characterized by a mass fraction of unsaturated compounds - up to 8%, conditional tensile strength - 200 kgf/ cm2, elongation at break - up to 600%, possessing exceptional physicochemical resistance to oxidation, thermoelasticity, high mechanical properties, do not exhibit coagulating ability. The glass transition temperature of the LSO reaches minus 500C. Commercial forms of synthesized composite solvents were used as a solvent agent — polyolefin–type solvent (PO) containing a fraction of monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons - up to 12% by weight, spatial polyolefin-type solvent compound (PPO), distillate oil absorbent (DND). With the combined action of the depressor and the diluent, a synergistic effect may occur due to the effect that the diluent has on the chemical structure of the depressor as a result of the interactions between them or intermolecular interactions, as a result of which the effectiveness of the additive depression increases. Laboratory tests of samples on hydrotreated diesel fuel (GO DT), furnace, marine fuels, and various oil fractions were carried out in the central factory laboratories of JSC Tatneft and JSC Taif-NK.

Keywords: composite depressor additives, petroleum fuels, ultrasonic exposure, physico-chemical properties, low-temperature characteristics, dispersion

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