Natural energy sources and carbon materials
Scientific Journal

Design of cryogenic tanks and low pressure gas holders. Part 2
Kemalov R.A. 1

1. Department of Technology of Oil, Gas and Carbon Materials KFU

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19. Mukhamadiev A.A. Fundamentals of calculations of processes and devices for separation of hydrocarbon mixtures: Methodological guidelines / Kazan. gos. technol. un-T.- Kazan, 2004.-72 p.
20. Kuznetsov A.A., Kagermanov S.M., Sudakov E.N. Calculations of processes and devices of the oil refining industry. – 2nd ed., reprint. and additional – L.: Chemistry, 1974.-344s.
21. Kuznetsov A.A., Sudakov E.N. Calculations of the main processes and devices for processing hydrocarbon gases: A reference guide. – M.: Chemistry, 1983.-224 p.
22. Ryabtsev N.I. Liquid hydrocarbon gases. Part I. Physico-chemical properties, analysis and preparation. – M.: Publishing House of the Ministry of Public Utilities of the RSFSR, 1957.-169 p.
23. Klimenko A.P. Production of ethylene from oil and gas. – M.: Gostoptehizdat, 1962.-236 p.
24. Basic processes and devices of chemical technology: Design guidelines / Edited by Yu.I. Dytnersky. – M.: Chemistry, 1983.-272 p.
25. Pavlov K.F., Romankov P.G., Noskov A.A. Examples and tasks in the course of processes and devices of chemical technology. A textbook for universities. / Edited by Chl.-correspondent. Academy of Sciences of the USSR P.G. Romankova. – 10th ed., reprint. and additional. – L.: Chemistry, 1987.-576c.
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27. Shuvalov V.V., Ogadtanov G.A., Golubyatnikov V.A. Automation of production processes in the chemical industry. – M.: Chemistry, 1991.-480 p.
28. Economic justification of course and diploma projects: Methodological guidelines / Comp. V.I. Volpert. – Kazan, 1991.-28 p.
29. Khalif A.L., Keltsev N.V. Topping up associated petroleum gases. – M.: Gostoptehizdat, 1955.-145 p.
30. Sukhanov V.P. Oil refining: Textbook for Prof.-tech. studies. institutions. – M.: Higher School, 1974.-335h
31. Cherny I.R. Production of raw materials for petrochemical syntheses. – M.: Chemistry, 1983.-333 p.
32. Akhmetov S.A. Technology of deep processing of oil and gas: A textbook for universities. Ufa: Gilem, 2002. -672 p.
33. Polotsky L.M., Lapshenkov G.I. Automation of chemical production. Theory, calculation and design of automation systems. – M.: Chemistry, 1982.-296c.
34. Calculations of the main processes and devices of oil refining: Handbook / Rabinovich G.G., Ryabykh P.M., Khokhryakov P.A. and others; Edited by E.I. Sudakov.- 3rd ed., reprint. and additional - M.: Chemistry, 1979. -568 p.
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36. Akhmetov S.A. Technology of deep processing of oil and gas/ S.A. Akhmetov. – Ufa: Gilem, 2002. – 672 p.
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43. Skoblo A.I. Processes and devices of the oil refining and petrochemical industry / A. I. Skoblo. - M.: Chemistry, 1982. - 584s.
44. Kasatkin A.G. Basic processes and devices of chemical technology / A. G. Kasatkin. - M.: Chemistry, 1971. - 784 p.
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47. Kuvshinsky M.N. Course design on the subject "Processes and devices of the chemical industry" / M. N. Kuvshinsky, A. P. Soboleva. - M.: Higher School, 1980. - 223 p.
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55. Medvedeva V.S. Occupational safety and fire protection in the chemical industry / V. S. Medvedev. - M.: Chemistry, 1989. - 288 p.
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65. Adzhiev A.Yu., Purtov P.A. Preparation and processing of associated petroleum gas in Russia. Part 2. — Krasnodar: EDVI, 2014. — pp. 239-245.
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Kemalov R.A. Design of cryogenic tanks and low pressure gas holders. Part 2 // Ïðèðîäíûå ýíåðãîíîñèòåëè è óãëåðîäíûå ìàòåðèàëû & Natural energy sources and carbon materials. – 2022. – ¹ 3(03);
URL: (Date Access: 10.03.2025).

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