Natural energy sources and carbon materials
Scientific Journal

Study of the process of hydrotreating the gasoline fraction
Kemalov Ruslan Alimovich 2, Kemalov Alim Feizrahmanovich 3, Rakhmatov Sardor Shavkat ugli 1

1. Department of Technology of Oil, Gas and Carbon Materials KFU
2. Department of Technology of Oil, Gas and Carbon Materials KFU
3. Head of the Department of Technology of Oil, Gas and Carbon Materials, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences



Kemalov Ruslan Alimovich, Kemalov Alim Feizrahmanovich, Rakhmatov Sardor Shavkat ugli Study of the process of hydrotreating the gasoline fraction // Природные энергоносители и углеродные материалы & Natural energy sources and carbon materials. – 2024. – № 01;
URL: (Date Access: 10.03.2025).

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